A couple of weeks ago, I decided to try my hand at making my very first cake. I made a Hawaiian Wedding Cake.
I have a bunch of projects to work on.
I have a Thomas Kincaid color-by-number page Mom gave me.
I have a BUNCH of books I need to catch up on, PLUS, books Mom gave me.
I have a puzzle, I work on every now and then. I don't really have a official place to put it together on. So I put it together on the kitchen table. But before a meal, or if I know that I will be leaving it on the table for a while, then I put it up, Because I don't want my cats to play, tear, or WORSE, eat the puzzle pieces.
And last but not least, I have a stuffed dog sewing kit I haven't worked on in a while.
Just a couple weeks ago I started to get blooms on my butterfly bush.
My flowers are getting bigger. Especially my impatiens. Now next year I KNOW to plant them a little further apart. They are starting to grow into each other.
Next post coming up is pictures my Mom took of our chicken flock. Some of them are cute and funny. I will try to get that one up as soon as I can.
And the next post, probably before the chicken one, will be of my birthday!